The Herzog Mikhail Johann von Hollerenschaut IV of Saxe-Coburn und Buchholz is most pleased to award the very first Reihenfolge vom Vergoldeten Herzog to King Ivan of Syldavia.
His majesty's victory over Hassan Muhtar Pasha west of Klow displayed cunning use of terrain, stoic defence, selfless courage and the inevitable triumph to which these attributes lead. The outcome represents the very essence of the order and it is the Herzog's greatest pleasure to make the award in due course.
Given the evident military prowess of King Ivan, the Herzog wishes to enquire if the exchange of military advisers would be possible, thus ensuring the ongoing improvement of tactical studies within both great nations. Stabshauptmann Gerhard von Blomphfart is ready to depart from Bad Übersetzung this very minute should His Majesty King Ivan agree to the exchange.
Well played, Illustrious Adversary, a gesture worthy of a Byelgorodniyan grandee!